What to know about Circuit Breaker Troubleshooting in the GTA

professional electrician

A circuit breaker is a safety device designed to automatically interrupt electrical energy in case of an overload or short circuit. A circuit breaker consists of two parts- an electric contact (called a switch) and a mechanical linkage that operates the switch by breaking an electrical connection. Circuit breakers come in many different shapes, sizes and ratings depending on their purpose and application.

When you're troubleshooting a problem with your circuit breaker, the first thing to do is determine what kind of problem it is. Here are some common problems and how to solve them:

The circuit breaker trips frequently or immediately after being reset. This can be caused by a short in one of your appliances, such as a hair dryer or microwave oven. Check around where you plug these items in for signs of overheating or burning--if there are any, contact an electrician in the GTA immediately!

No power going through the outlet when it's supposed to (or none coming out at all). If this happens when something should be plugged into one side but isn't there, check whether anything else has been unplugged from another side at roughly the same time; if so and if either item was hot when plugged in originally (as noted above), then chances are good that some wires have come loose somewhere along their route from source power supply (the breaker box itself) down through each individual socket/outlet combination until reaching its final destination at an appliance whose purpose requires electricity flow through said line(s). Once again though: don't try fixing things unless absolutely necessary because doing so without proper training could lead directly back here again soon enough anyway!

They are used as protection devices for electrical circuits such as household wiring systems or industrial equipment that may be exposed to high currents, including motors and transformers used in manufacturing plants or large buildings like factories and warehouses where there is potential risk of fire from overheating wires if left unprotected from overloading conditions created when too much current flows through them which can cause overheating with potentially disastrous consequences such as fires breaking out due to sparks flying off overheated wires causing flames inside walls where insulation cannot protect against heat loss through air gaps between studs/joists etc...

If you're having trouble with your circuit breaker or any other electrical problem, call us today. We're here to help!